EA Vault is Finalized. Payouts have been sent.

The early access vault is now finalized! The last 3 months have gone great and we have closed all of the vaults positions as our target was reached (5–15% over a 3–6 month period).

The early access vault is now finalized! The last 3 months have gone great and we have closed all of the vaults positions as our target was reached (5–15% over a 3–6 month period).

During a period of 102 days, the early access vault generated a profit of $1,365 (7.58%) — 5.30% for each depositor after fee’s

Early Access Vault Fees: 70% to Vault Holders — 30% to the Treasury


All funds (along with the profit generated) have been sent back to the address that was used to deposit into the vault. All payouts were done on the same chain that they were sent on as well. For all transaction links check the spreadsheet below which includes the finalized payout.

For a more in-depth spreadsheet regarding the in/out of the vault check here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mL7UqXbInUfMQlKIXwQV84zddbCzmoIDAj45btV3vAo/edit#gid=0 (Transfers, Deposits, and Payouts)

For vault performance and statistics check here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18SfqixqO2UIbfKwR8Zw6XBG9Bj9U6wgupjip7JQ-hVg/edit?usp=sharing (APR Statistics and Profit Data)

Public Vault Opening (soon)

The Orange Financial home page is going through a full redesign in preparation for the new USDC vaults and we are expected to have the public interface for deposits opened up by the end of April at the latest. More information on the vaults will be released on the next medium.com post coming next week.

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Treasury Report

EA Vault is Finalized. Payouts have been sent.

The early access vault is now finalized! The last 3 months have gone great and we have closed all of the vaults positions as our target was reached (5–15% over a 3–6 month period).

Treasury Report

Orange USDC Vaults (Early Access)

As discussed in the previous article we soon will be releasing a new & improved way of participating in the Orange Financial treasury.

Treasury Report

Monthly Report - December 2023

Report description here

Treasury Report

How To Deposit

Learn how to deposit into the orange financial vaults!

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